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Oyster Feast

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Oyster-Feast® is a mix of both oyster eggs and ovarian tissue (1-200 microns). Oyster-Feast is naturally size-appropriate for the smallest SPS corals (Acropora & Montipora) up to LPS corals (Goniopora & Favites). Highly suitable feed for a broad range of corals and other invertebrates.

Oyster Ovarian Tissue Included

Ovarian tissue has all the benefits and nutritional value of the eggs but in a wide range of sizes, down to 1 micron. It is high in both protein and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Strong Feeding Response

Oyster-Feast elicits a strong feeding response from corals, other invertebrates and fish. Even mysids, amphipods and copepods will feed on Oyster-Feast.